


VVV01 Electrically operated Vent valve Dealer in Chennai. Veljan Vent valve VVV01 are electrically worked 3/2 way gadgets and are viable with Veljan pilot worked pressure controls and 2-way seat valves.

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VVV01 Electrically operated Vent valve Dealer in Chennai. Because of sandwich plan, these vent valves can be effectively introduced into existing valves. No additional parts, for example, subplates, fittings and channeling are required.

VVV01 sandwiched between the power part or principle body and the pilot segment or cap of the valve it is controlling, guides the pilot oil to the power part to permit its assigned capacity at framework pressure, or to the pilot oil return to permit dumping. Two different control spools are accessible for the capacities. These are for “Power part dumped in typical position” and “Power part dumped in switch position”. Solenoids are with manual supersede and watertight capacity. Loops can be changed without slowing down the water driven circuit.