
Series BYDS


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The Series BYDS Bypass Damper Switch is intended to control mechanized sidestep dampers. As individual zone dampers open and close, the framework static tension will rise and fall

To keep up with legitimate wind stream and static strain through the HVAC framework, a detour framework consolidating a drifting sort mechanized damper and a static tension control ought to be integrated. A regular on/off pressure change can’t work in that frame of mind because of the great cycle rate that would result, at last causing contact wear out. The BYDS static tension control is outfitted with a strong state exchanging and timing circuit to upgrade activity and work on long haul dependability in this requesting application

The BYDS Bypass Damper Switch is intended for use with a three wire drifting point damper actuator used to control the static strain on zone control frameworks requiring mechanized sidestep dampers. A detour damper, sidesteps air from the release air side of the HVAC unit back in the return air side. The wind current is adjusted to keep a steady static tension in the framework as individual zone dampers open and close. The static strain control is outfitted with strong state exchanging which decisively builds the existence of the control. On an expansion in static strain the BYDS will send 24 volts out on terminal three (3)and beginning the actuator to drive open. (See Terminal Designations Diagram). Whenever the static strain arrives at set-point the actuator will stop. Following a ten second postpone the actuator will begin to drive the damper shut on the off chance that there has not been an expansion in static tension. A green LED shows when the damper is in the vacant position or being driven open. A 24 VAC transformer is expected to drive the BYDS control and damper actuator. Wiring is made straightforwardly to terminals situated behind the removable intro page. The unit incorporates tubing and two static tension tests.