


4DE10 Solenoid Directional Control Valve Dealer in Chennai. 4-port, spool type, solenoid worked, directional control valves with wet armature AC or DC curls.

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4DE10 Solenoid Directional Control Valve Dealer in Chennai.
4-port, spool type, solenoid worked, directional control valves with wet armature AC or DC curls and wide assortment of spool types with spring focused and spring-offset plans.

Five chamber body and spool plan to work with high stream.

Adjusts to ISO4401-5, NFPA T3.5.1M R1 and ANSI B93-7 D 05 connection point.

Accessible in 52 norm, tradable spool designs.

Removable wet-armature AC and DC solenoids for speedy substitution and transformations. Formed solenoid curls to safeguard against dampness and entrance of residue.

Individual solenoid module connectors with pointer lights to ISO 4400 and DIN 43650.

Exceptional R-rings for high expulsion obstruction. Expanded soundness under high unique condition.

Abrogate for activity of valve without electrical power.